Ownership Classes
Ampled has 2 kinds of Owners. Each ownership class elects 3 representatives to the 9 seat Board of Directors. The Board primarily oversees Workers to ensure their work is accountable to all Owners and fulfills the mission of Ampled.
Artists contribute by creating and launching an artist page and receiving support. Artist-Owners elect representatives to the Board, and vote on major decisions.
Workers make most decisions about the day-to-day operations of Ampled. Worker-Owners elect representatives to the Board, and vote on major decisions.
Owners of Ampled
A member is legally an "Owner" of Ampled.
It’s possible for Owners to be two or more kinds of Owners at once, meaning they have the rights and responsibilities of those two or more Owner categories, but they will still have only one vote on any decision put to Owners or on the election of any Director seat.
Organizations and businesses that are Owners get only one vote, regardless of how many people work for or own that organization or business.
An Owner cannot transfer their ownership interest to other people.
Becoming an Artist-Owner:
Any person may become an Artist-Owner by:
Creating an artist page that receives 10, or more, supporters.
Each admin of an artist page that has received 10 or more supporters may become an Artist-Owner.
Becoming a Worker-Owner:
Any person may become an Worker-Owner by completing the following requirements:
Be a Contributor for Ampled for 6 months or 80 hours, whichever comes first. Regular contributions are defined as those contributing a minimum of 3 hours per month.
Approval of ⅔ of Worker-Owners in a vote to be held within one month of completing the period of work above, and
Aligning and agreeing: Committing to the Charter in these Bylaws and completing an Owner Agreement.
The Board and Workers, together and at their discretion, may approve as a Worker-Owner a contributor in close collaboration with the workers in a non-employee capacity.
Employees not approved by vote: An employee who is not approved by the above vote of Worker-Owners shall either be terminated as a contributor or employee or given an opportunity to improve their performance over a period of 3 months. After that period, there shall be another vote. If the contributor or employee is not approved as a Worker-Owner by the second vote, their involvement with Ampled or employment shall be terminated.
Initial Worker-Owners: The following individuals are Worker-Owners as of the adoption of these Bylaws on 09/02/2020: Ana Ulin, Ariel Farias, Austin Robey, Blair Gardner, Collin Lewis, Dash Lunde, Derek Singleton, Emma Cunningham, Joshua Harvey, Molly Mary O’Brien, René Kladzyk, Ryan DeShon, and Sean Adams, Weston Dombroski, Amanda Pickering, Maura Lynch, Jeremy Salfen, Emma Epstein.
Suspending Ownership
Ownership will be suspended by any of the following;
In the case of a Worker-Owner, if they do not attend any general meetings for more than 6 months, or do not contribute more than 6 hours in any 6 month period.
After 5 months of no meeting attendance or insufficient hourly contribution, a warning will be issued to the Worker-Owner, to notify them that their membership will be suspended after one more month, if participation does not change.
In exceptional circumstances, Worker-Owners may vote to provide an exception or extension.
In the case of a Worker-Owner, suspended Ownership will be reinstated after:
Contributing for Ampled for an additional 20 hours.
Reapproval of ⅔ of Worker-Owners in a vote to be held within one month of completing the period of work above.
Terminating Ownership
Ownership will terminate by any of the following;
An Owner sends Ampled a written notice that they are terminating their ownership.
An Owner dies.
In the case of a business or organization that is an Owner, they dissolve or close.
The Board otherwise expels an Owner for cause, as long as the Board uses a consistent, fair, and reasonable procedure for expulsion (provided in writing to the Owners) that gives an Owner a reasonable period of time in which to explain or correct a problem.
In the case of an Artist-Owner, they delete their artist page, or are considered “inactive”. “Inactivity” shall be defined by the Board in a manner determined to be reasonable and equitable.
In the case of a Worker-Owner, they cease to work for or be employed by Ampled, within the last trailing 6 month period, unless on a temporary leave.